Via Angelo Caimi 4, 63077 Monsampolo del Tronto (AP) - Italy +39 0735 705118

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Environmental sustainability


Aluminum is a precious material which, even when recycled, maintains its aesthetic and performance characteristics unaltered.aluminum recycle 100

A 100% recyclable resource that can and must be valorised, also because the recycled alloy allows for savings

of 95% of the energy that would be needed for the production of primary aluminum from bauxite - with a consequent reduction in CO2 emissions.

All waste resulting from production is sent back to the foundry for total recovery.

Italy is first in Europe for the production of recycled aluminum with 70% recovery,

largely exceeding the objectives indicated by the European Union (50% by 2025).

impianto fotovoltaico


Sustaining our future has become a necessity.

For this reason we have decided to use innovative technologies that allow particular attention to the environment.

The entire structure is powered by a latest generation photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the warehouses

which almost completely satisfies our energy needs.

We thus reduce CO2 emissions and increase the sustainability of the company.